What is the S-Press?

A unique, therapeutic level, medical device, to strengthen the leg muscles

The S-Press was invented by a physiotherapist, so that she and her colleagues could give those patients who are more at risk of a poor outcome the fighting chance and opportunity of a good outcome, their best outcome so they can live their life to the fullest.

What are the benefits of the

Use of the S-Press early in a person’s rehabilitation will enable a reduction in the destructive muscle de-conditioning that can occur when someone is admitted to hospital, accelerate physical recovery, and shorten length of stay
One-On-One CoCachingC

Progressive resistance exercise for even the frailest of individuals

Simple progressive resistance exercise (PRE) is known to increase muscle strength in even the frailest individuals and researchers suggest that PRE should be used more in hospitals to prevent deconditioning and improve outcomes.

The S-Press is the only NHS tested and approved PRE device available.

3 - 29kg of therapeutic level resistance across 6 easily changeable levels.

Targeting the quadriceps with use in one direction, rotate the device to target the hamstrings specifically - gym equivalent leg press and hamstring curl devices in one unit.

Can be used on the bed or in a chair or wheelchair.

Inclusive and accessible to all patients in need of leg strengthening as part of their physiotherapy programme.

Safe, effective, inclusive design.

Patient centred design following patient and public involvement, clinical focus groups. and tested on NHS wards, with multiple and diverse conditions treated.

Class 1 medical device
Business Growth

NHS approved for tissue viability and infection control

The S-Press has been designed so no pressure goes through the patients heel area, to protect the fragile skin so common for many people. This means that patients with heel sores who are limited with weight bearing activity can continue to keep their muscles conditioned and getting stronger while they heal.

The device is fully enclosed to ensure it is easy to clean and maintain.
Healing Therapy

A solution to improve patient flow

By providing a solution for frail individuals to access progressive resistance exercise and accelerate their recovery, the use of the S-Press is a way to help unblock the hospital ‘back door’ more successfully, to allow better patient flow and reduce NHS costs.

Improving the level of physical recovery should also enable less bulky, expensive transfer equipment to be needed or such high level care package requirements on discharge.
Medical bed

There is no device quite like the
S-Press in the world.

There are other leg strengthening devices on the market internationally, but they were not right for my patients.
These other devices  do not comply with NHS tissue viability and infection control policy, were heavy, had sharp edges and finger traps, and have not been tested and validated in the NHS.

The S-Press's  patented Zero heel pressure leg rest, is crucial for many of the most frail and at risk patients. It is extremely comfortable, totally removable and washable, and patients legs are supported so you and they can be confident their leg will stay in the correct position throughout the exercise.

We use springs in the S-Press because they are so much more hard wearing than rubber bands. They will not snap or degrade and will last for 10 years +

S-Press configuring

The key features of the S-press

Through doing focus groups with NHS clinicians, patients and carers, and extensive PPIE (public and patient involvement) the S-Press design was focussed on safety (for patients to use independently if appropriate), efficacy, comfort, and ease of use.

The S-Press needed to remove the barriers to in-hospital exercise and rehabilitation, and become a must have rehabilitation tool.



The S-Press weighs just 7.35kg.  It is easy to carry around the ward and hospital, simple to set up and position, but sturdy enough to be stable both on the bed, a physio plinth, or the floor.

Following NHS clinical evaluation and JT Rehab engaging with clinicians and users for full feedback, the new market ready device has been re-designed with fewer parts and  weighs less than the prototype for added portability.  Patient and user centred design is crucial and a key part of JT Rehab ensuring that our products deliver the most effective rehabilitation.


Pressure-relieving surfaces

An essential and key feature of the S-Press is the patented design of the interchangeable, supportive leg rest.

Our skin becomes more fragile as we age, increasing the likelihood of developing skin ulcers, especially when confined to a hospital bed.  Pressure ulcer prevention is in fact a key NHS target. The S-Press has been designed to ensure that it can be used safely even by the weakest of patients with pressure damage to their heels or dressings for wounds on the lower leg.  The fully padded and pressure-relieving surfaces of the leg rest will protect the delicate skin and the new design of zero pressure through the heel will ensure safe, effective use.


Closed chain muscle strengthening

Bi-directional - strengthening quads and hamstrings, glutes and gastrocnemius

The chief muscles used to sit and stand are your leg and hip muscles (especially quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes), with your abdominals and other core muscles, and muscles in your upper body also needed.
The quadriceps are the four muscles in the front of your thigh, whereas your hamstrings are the three muscles situated in the back of your thigh.
In addition to these large muscles, your gastrocnemius muscles — which is the biggest and most superficial of your calf muscles — are also engaged.
Together, your leg muscles are responsible for lifting, flexing, and straightening out your body as you sit and stand.
Use of the S-Press actively and effectively strengthens the major muscles of the leg used in the sit-to-stand action. Because of an effective contraction of the calf - gastrocnemius - muscle, fluid and blood flow in the lower leg should also be improved with use.


3-29 kg of resistance

Many patients who have had surgery or been immobile for a period of time become deconditioned very quickly.  They are not able to lift the weight or their own leg up off the bed or push their body up into standing due to their weakness.
Starting to engage the major leg muscles early with light resistance and build up gradually, gives the muscle time to adapt appropriately and not get over stressed. It gives the patient crucial self-belief and confidence that they can achieve the physical task earlier and be safer for a quicker discharge home.
The S-Press enables the patient to manage their muscle rehabilitation with progression and control, at an appropriate level for the individual.  It uses the tried and tested, and thoroughly researched technique of progressive overload. The user grows in strength and confidence as they can visibly and objectively see their progress.

The resistance available in the S-Press is higher than all of the resistance band levels, available in one device, for easy progression.


Non-slip base

We didn't want the physios to have to anchor the S-Press down to ensure no movement when in use. So to ensure the safest and most stable position of the S-Press in use, we have designed in an integrated non-slip base.  This ensures that patients can exercise in a safe manner, without any need for extra securing straps to hinder function.  The non-slip base is compliant with infection control policy and easy to wipe down and used in many healthcare setting.


Fully wipeable

Fully wipeable and compliant with infection control policy so that the device can be used by multiple patients in a safe manner.
It is crucial for medical and hospital equipment to comply with infection control policies to ensure patient safety.  The S-Press has been designed to have easy to wipe surfaces, no holes, or spaces in the body to allow ingress of fluids or skin flakes from users. The device has been through a thorough and independent decontamination assessment and testing and is able to be cleaned thoroughly with NHS Trusts compliant fluid cleaner or anti-bacterial cleaning wipes.

'For years I was frustrated at the lack of effective, proven therapeutic level and accessible leg strengthening equipment available to use with our most complex patients. As nothing was changing, I decided I had to do something myself.'

Jennifer Turner - physio and S-Press inventor

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